Cellular activator of the senescent fibroblast for the optimization of results in rejuvenation treatments indicated for hyperpigmentation, aged skin with excess oxidation and skin in states of energy deficiency.

It stimulates the senescent (aged) fibroblast, managing to delay the aging of cells.


  • Succinic acid: It is a dicarboxylic acid that helps the formation of new cells, normalizing energy metabolism. In addition, it has an antitoxic and antihypoxic activity, with restorative properties, being a powerful radiation protective agent.
  • Azelaic acid: It has the functions:
  • Therapeutic: beneficial in skin disorders of different etiologies.
  • Bacteriostatic: for both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria.
  • Regulator of excess fat: decreasing the synthesis of filaggrin and controls the hyperreactivity of the glands with excess fat, inhibiting the activity of 5-reductase.
  • Depigmenting: reduces melanogenesis by inhibition of tyrosinase.
  • Antioxidant and adjuvant in the reduction of inflammation.
  • The succinic and azelaic acid increases the activity of the senescent fibroblast, stimulating cell potentiation.
  1. Cleanse the skin with SENSYSES LIPOSOMAL CLEANSER
  2. Apply a preparatory peel with DNA RECOVERY PEEL SOLUTION
  3. Massage until the appearance of a white mask
  4. Remove with water and disinfect with HEXIDERMOL
  5. Apply PRP MESOCIT FILLDERMA 106 or FILLDERMA 106 NANO MESO SOLUTION (3ml), combined with PRP Vit Booster. It can also be combined with other products from the MESOCIT OR NANO MESO SOLUTION line.

Professional treatment to be performed before and/or after the NANOPORE STYLUS device, at a depth of 0.5 mm and 150 rpm. It can be combined with other techniques that favor the topical penetration of the active ingredients.

Seal the treatment with RETISES NANOPEEL 1% and leave for 6 to 8 hours.

Protocol to apply in combination with other NANO MESO solutions: GLUTATHIONE, C-VIT, SILORGSES, TRX.

In addition, it can be combined with MESO CIT treatments: WH EGF, TIMP-2, etc.

Application frequency: once a month. Perform cycles of 6 sessions.

Visible results from the second session.

  • Growth factors
  • Azelaic acid
  • Succinic acid

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