Chemical peel for sensitive skins, dark skins (phototypes IV to VI). Preparatory or initiation peel for subsequent treatments with Higher concentrations of pyruvic acid.

60 ml - pH <1.0

Pyruvic acid it causes the following effects on the epidermis and dermis: reduces the cohesion of the epidermal corneocytes and prevents the thickening of the corneal layer. Exfoliation takes place without drying the skin, as pyruvic acid hydrolyzes into lactic acid, an Alpha Hydroxy

Acid with moisturizing properties, forming a protective film that prevents the skin from dehydrating.

Due to its keratolytic, sebum- regulating, and antimicrobial action, it is indicated for the treatment of oily skin.

Stimulation of collagen, elastin, and dermal glycoprotein synthesis is higher than that of glycolic acid peels and similar to that induced by TCA, but without discomfort and causing only mild erythema.

Thoroughly cleanse and degrease skin and protect sensitive areas. Apply 2-3 coats of the peel, wait for the solution to dry before applying the next coat. Mild skin redness indicates that the desired depth has been reached.

To enhance the penetration of pyruvic acid into the skin, it is recommended to apply first one coat of any peel with salicylic acid (Salipeel, Salipeel DS, Spa Peel Classic or Spa Peel Lightening).

  • 25% Pyruvic acid.
  • 25% Lactic acid

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